Keywords :
Case report, Extra root, Internal root resorption, Mandibular molar, Radix entomolaris, Root canal treatment
Citation Information :
Kriti S, Mital P, Raisingani D, Prasad AB, Srivastava H, Jain A. The Route to Extra Root: Radix Entomolaris with Internal Resorption. J Mahatma Gandhi Univ Med Sci Tech 2024; 9 (1):49-52.
Aim and background: For a successful root canal therapy one must be aware of the internal and external anatomy of the tooth. Dental treatments frequently face challenges due to anomalies present in the tooth. Similar to any other tooth, mandibular first molars are susceptible to anatomical malformations. One such variation involves the presence of an additional root distolingually which is known as radix entomolaris (RE).
Case description: This case report describes the treatment and endodontic management of mandibular first molar with RE and internal root resorption.
Conclusion: The effectiveness of root canal treatment relies on the thorough removal of pulp tissue from the root canals. Therefore, thorough knowledge of the morphology is of utmost importance as the presence of variations creates further challenges to the treatment.
Clinical significance: For successful endodontic treatment in such variations, appropriate diagnosis of the case plays a vital role.
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