Patient's Perception Regarding the Choice of Their Orthodontist: A Questionnaire Study
Priya R Sharma, Esha Nagpal, Kamal Bajaj, Garima Gaur, Vikas Jharwal, Siddharth Mehta
Citation Information :
Sharma PR, Nagpal E, Bajaj K, Gaur G, Jharwal V, Mehta S. Patient's Perception Regarding the Choice of Their Orthodontist: A Questionnaire Study. J Mahatma Gandhi Univ Med Sci Tech 2020; 5 (3):103-106.
The objective of this study was to evaluate parents’ preferences of the age, sex, appearance, and attire of orthodontists. Two subjects (one male and one female) were asked to pose for photographs wearing various combinations of attire (casual, scrubs, white coat, and formal), hairstyle. Survey participants were presented with choice sets and asked to select the most and least preferred provider photographs. A total of 100 orthodontic patients participated in the computer-based survey. The results indicated that there were significant differences due to provider sex (p = 0.0013), provider age (p < 0.0001), dress (p < 0.0001), and hair (p < 0.0001). The most preferred providers were the younger female and the older male. Formal attire or scrubs was the most preferred style of dress. There was also a preference for the provider to have his/her hair in a controlled style.
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