VOLUME 4 , ISSUE 1 ( January-April, 2019 ) > List of Articles
Amrita Kumari, Malvika B Bansal, Karan H Asrani, Akanksha Gaud, Meenakshi Meena
Citation Information : Kumari A, Bansal MB, Asrani KH, Gaud A, Meena M. Tongue-tie Management: A Case Report. J Mahatma Gandhi Univ Med Sci Tech 2019; 4 (1):32-34.
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10057-0096
License: CC BY-NC 4.0
Published Online: 11-01-2021
Copyright Statement: Copyright © 2019; The Author(s).
Tongue-tie or ankyloglossia is a rare congenital anomaly. It is a short, thick, and fibrosed lingual frenulum which causes restriction in function of the tongue and also in speech. Tongue is an accessory organ, and it helps in deglutition, mastication, and speech. Tongue-tie also causes lingual recession of the teeth. So, it is necessary to treat at the right time. In this case, the patient has a lingual tongue-tie which has been treated by using a diode laser.