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Jain A, Nahata VS, Shekhawat S. Laparoscopic Management of the Isthmocele. J Mahatma Gandhi Univ Med Sci Tech 2017; 2 (3):168-170.
With the increasing prevalence of cesarean rates, an unusual form of ectopic pregnancy is now emerging in clinical practice, the cesarean scar pregnancy (CSP), also known as isthmocele. In this rare form of ectopic pregnancy, gestational sac is implanted either partially or fully, within the scar of the previous cesarean. Diagnosis of CSP and its further management require considerable expertise in dealing with the pathology, and a multidisciplinary approach is required to prevent prolonged complications associated with the surgical management. Major hemorrhage from the implantation site during resection, which may end up in hysterectomy, is the main concern. We report a case of CSP who was referred to emergency outpatient department of Mahatma Gandhi Hospital (MGH) with amenorrhea, pain abdomen, and spotting per vaginum, as they could not localize the exact location of the pregnancy. She was diagnosed as CSP, and managed successfully by laparoscopic resection and repair of cesarean scar.
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Jain A, Garg S, Nahata VS, Shekhawat S. Laparoscopic Management of the Isthmocele. J Mahatma Gandhi Univ Med Sci Tech 2017;2(3):168-170.
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