Citation Information :
Bilaiya S. Management of Dental Fluorosis with Minimalistic Intervention Using Microabrasion and Resin Infiltration as a Combination Therapy: Two Case Reports. J Mahatma Gandhi Univ Med Sci Tech 2023; 8 (1):29-32.
The present case report represents a combination of minimally invasive techniques, such as resin infiltration and microabrasion, to restore dental fluorosis (DF) on the maxillary anterior teeth of a young patient. Brown spot lesions were initially first treated with microabrasion therapy, followed by treatment of white spots with etching and infiltration with two sessions of resin. The treatment produced satisfactory esthetic results. It is important that an accurate diagnosis be made; the depth of lesions must be estimated, and the effectiveness and limitations of each technique must be known to aid in choosing the right treatment for best esthetic outcomes. Conservative management of DF may involve a combination of modalities like microabrasion and resin infiltration, depending on severity variations, specific needs, and desired results.
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