Citation Information :
Kaur A, Khurana D. Reattachment of Maxillary Central Incisor Using Laser Crown Lengthening and Prefabricated Fiber Post: A Case Report on Preserving the Natural. J Mahatma Gandhi Univ Med Sci Tech 2022; 7 (3):87-90.
Aim: To reattach the Fractured Maxillary Central Incisor using a laser crown lengthening procedure and a fiber post.
Background: Anterior crown fractures are a frequent type of traumatic dental injuries that mostly affect the maxillary incisors, and their aftereffects can make it difficult to create and carry out an effective treatment strategy. Reattaching the fractured component itself is one of the therapeutic techniques. Fragment reattachment is a minimally invasive and reasonably priced treatment technique that can quickly restore form and function in crown-root instances. Due to its simplicity, natural esthetics, and long-lasting beauty due to the preservation of the original morphology, color, and surface texture, it ought to be the first option and a viable alternative to conventional procedures.
Case description: A 25-year-old male patient came to the Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics with fractured segment. Patient was given local anesthesia, the fractured segment was removed and placed in normal saline. Straight line access was prepared and sectional obturation was done. Then, laser crown lengthening was done to expose the fractured margin, post space was prepared, and bevelling was done on remaining tooth structure. Finally, prefabricated fiber post and the tooth fragment were luted with dualcure resin cement.
Conclusion: An easy and effective method for treating fractured anterior teeth is tooth fragment reattachment following crown lengthening using the original tooth fragment and a fiber-reinforced post. It seems to provide the best possible functional and esthetic results.
Clinical significance: If the fractured segment is available, then reattachment seems to be a conservative and viable option.
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