Journal of Mahatma Gandhi University of Medical Sciences and Technology

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VOLUME 7 , ISSUE 3 ( September-December, 2022 ) > List of Articles


A Rare Presentation of Hyperthyroidism as Pyrexia of Unknown Origin

Priyank H Shah, Puneet Rijhwani, Ram K Jat, Manish R Pahadia, Krutarth H Shah, Bhavesh S Gauswami, Riya R Maheshwari

Keywords : Hyperthyroidism, Pyrexia of unknown origin, Thyrotoxicosis

Citation Information : Shah PH, Rijhwani P, Jat RK, Pahadia MR, Shah KH, Gauswami BS, Maheshwari RR. A Rare Presentation of Hyperthyroidism as Pyrexia of Unknown Origin. J Mahatma Gandhi Univ Med Sci Tech 2022; 7 (3):84-86.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10057-0213

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 16-09-2023

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2022; The Author(s).


Introduction: The disease known as hyperthyroidism is brought on by the thyroid gland producing too many thyroid hormones. Thyrotoxicosis is a condition brought on by an overproduction of thyroid hormone for whatever reason. The most typical cause of hyperthyroidism is Grave's disease. Other causes include multinodular goitre, toxic adenoma, thyroid inflammation, iodine overconsumption, excessive synthetic thyroid hormone use, and, in rare cases, pituitary adenoma. Signs and symptoms: Vary between people and may include irritability, muscle weakness, sleeping problems, a fast heartbeat, heat intolerance, diarrhea, enlargement of the thyroid, hand tremors, and weight loss. Treatment depends partly on the cause and severity of the disease. Treatment options: Antithyroid drugs (carbimazole, methimazole, and propylthiouracil), surgery (thyroidectomy), β-blockers, diet (avoid food rich in iodine), and radioiodine. The presentation of hyperthyroidism as pyrexia of unknown origin (PUO) is rarely reported. So here we report a patient with a rare association of hyperthyroidism with PUO.

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