To Evaluate the Prevalence of C-Shaped Canal in Mandibular Second Molars Using CBCT Analysis
Aarushi Chopra, Deeksha Khurana, Siddhi Dhadda
Keywords :
Cone-beam computed tomography, Endodontic therapy, Maxillary second molar
Citation Information :
Chopra A, Khurana D, Dhadda S. To Evaluate the Prevalence of C-Shaped Canal in Mandibular Second Molars Using CBCT Analysis. J Mahatma Gandhi Univ Med Sci Tech 2022; 7 (3):67-71.
Aim: The goal of this study was to use cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) to determine the prevalence of C-shaped canals in second mandibular molars.
Materials and methods: A total of 1,500 CBCT scans were screened and evaluated in Rajasthan patients. C-shaped canals in the second mandibular molars were discovered.
Results: In the second mandibular molars, the overall prevalence of C-shaped canals was 3.99%. There was no significant difference found based on gender or side of occurrence.
Conclusion: In comparison to other subpopulations, the prevalence of C-shaped canals in second mandibular molars in the Rajasthan population is high. During clinical work, clinicians should be aware of the possible asymmetry, different configurations along the root, and location of the danger zone of this anatomic variation.
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