Journal of Mahatma Gandhi University of Medical Sciences and Technology

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VOLUME 6 , ISSUE 3 ( September-December, 2021 ) > List of Articles


Solitary Plasmacytoma: A Case Report

Neha Choudhary, Jai Chowdhary, Piyush Chandra, Hemant K Mishra

Citation Information : Choudhary N, Chowdhary J, Chandra P, Mishra HK. Solitary Plasmacytoma: A Case Report. J Mahatma Gandhi Univ Med Sci Tech 2021; 6 (3):97-99.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10057-0189

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 29-03-2022

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2021; The Author(s).


Solitary plasmacytoma of bone (SPB), also called osseous plasmacytoma, SPBs have male preponderance and are two times more common in male as compared to females. Approximately 55 years is the median age of patients for SPB.To avoid progression to multiple myeloma, localized radiation therapy is the first-line treatment. A 45-year-old female visited our hospital due to complaint of pain in right hip and right knee. X-ray CT and MRI showed lytic lesions and heterogeneously hypointense on STIR images in the proximal metaphyseal region of the right femur, pathology showed plasmacytoma.

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