Assessment on Adoption Behavior of First-time Mothers on the Usage of Chatbots for Breastfeeding Consultation
Vaishnavi Gupta, Nikita Arora, Yash Jain, Sushil Mokashi, Chiranjibi Panda
Citation Information :
Gupta V, Arora N, Jain Y, Mokashi S, Panda C. Assessment on Adoption Behavior of First-time Mothers on the Usage of Chatbots for Breastfeeding Consultation. J Mahatma Gandhi Univ Med Sci Tech 2021; 6 (2):64-68.
In today's world, there is more reliance on technologically advanced systems and artificial intelligence (AI) to shoulder the work-related commitments of individuals, corporate giants, government, or businesses. Artificial intelligence refers to the human-like intelligence exhibited by a computer, robot, or other machines ( Many high-tech advancements in the field of healthcare are all due to improvements and evolutions in AI. Moreover, an AI-powered chatbot swiftly responds to all the queries; reducing the lag time and other hindrances. They have become real-time healthcare assistants, bringing about revolutions in the healthcare industry. The future belongs to AI-enabled technologies and henceforth, leading to an increased importance of the introduction of this kind of technology in the public health sector also. An important constituent in the public health sector is a maternal issue like breastfeeding. There are several challenges, doubts, hesitations, and skepticism that new mothers face while breastfeeding their kids. Along with facing postpartum depression, several new or first-time mothers have limited knowledge about breastfeeding. This paper focuses on the usage of AI-enabled chatbots that educates first-time mothers regarding anxiety, stress, postpartum depression, and lactation patterns. The paper gives an insight into the adoption behavior of new mothers using chatbots related to breastfeeding counseling. The authors have gone thru 85 peer-reviewed papers published between the years 2002 and 2020 and found this research to be one of its kinds in this sphere. The study includes the population of new mothers from the city of Amritsar and Jaipur, India, and gives solutions with respect to problems and doubts pertaining to breastfeeding the newborn.
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