Endodontic Management of Mandibular First Premolar with Type IV Root Canal: A Case Report
Akansha Jharwal, Pooja Sen, Charu Thanvi, Shaleen Sogani
Citation Information :
Jharwal A, Sen P, Thanvi C, Sogani S. Endodontic Management of Mandibular First Premolar with Type IV Root Canal: A Case Report. J Mahatma Gandhi Univ Med Sci Tech 2020; 5 (1):26-30.
Thorough knowledge of the root canal morphology, appropriate assessment of the pulp chamber floor, and critical interpretation of radiographs are foundation for successful root canal therapy. Mandibular premolars have earned the reputation for having an aberrant anatomy, making them one of the most difficult teeth to manage endodontically. Therefore, clinician should be aware of the configuration of the pulp system as the incidence of having two roots in these teeth is quite rare. These two case reports present the clinical management of mandibular first premolar having two roots bifurcated at the mid-root level.
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