Assessment of the Relationship between Adenoid Tissue and Mandibular Prognathism: A Cephalometric Study
Siddharth Mehta, Kamal Bajaj, Esha Nagpal, Vikas Jharwal
Keywords :
Adenoids, Airway, Cephalometry, Head posture, Prognathic mandible
Citation Information :
Mehta S, Bajaj K, Nagpal E, Jharwal V. Assessment of the Relationship between Adenoid Tissue and Mandibular Prognathism: A Cephalometric Study. J Mahatma Gandhi Univ Med Sci Tech 2018; 3 (2):50-53.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that mandibular prognathism is associated with enlarged adenoids.
Materials and methods: The adenoid tissue dimensions were assessed in 92 females (age: 15–30 years) and further divided into three groups: Group I—normal mandible (76° ≤ SNB ≤ 82°; n = 31); Group II—mandibular retrognathism (SNB < 76°; n = 31); Group III—mandibular prognathism (SNB > 82°; n = 30). All subjects were examined by lateral cephalometry with the head position standardized using an inclinometer.
Results and conclusion: Results showed no statistically significant difference in the adenoid tissue dimensions among the three groups. Thus, patients with a prognathic mandible do not show enlarged adenoids.
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