Aims and Objectives: Breast carcinoma is the most common malignant tumor worldwide in women while it is the second most common cancer in India. Triple assessment, including clinical assessment, radiological imaging and pathological diagnosis is the most widely accepted protocol followed for diagnosis of breast lump. Fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is the most important part of triple assessment. The purpose of our study was to establish the role of FNAC in the diagnosis of breast lump, to study the various types of breast lumps, and to observe any correlation of fine needle cytology with postoperative histopathology.
Materials and methods: The study group included 128 consecutive female patients presenting with palpable breast lump during a one year period. FNAC of patients was performed with non-aspiration technique. Smears prepared and stained with Giemsa stain and examined for cytological diagnosis. Routine histopathological examination was performed on available surgical biopsy specimens to correlate cytological and histopathological diagnosis.
Results: A total of 128 cases were included out of which 126 cases had adequate sample and 2 cases were categorised as unsatisfactory. Out of 126 adequate samples 102 were benign, 21were malignant and 3 cases were of atypical ductal hyperplasia. Fibroadenoma accounted for maximum number of cases, and infiltrating duct carcinoma was most common malignant lesion in our study. Histopathological correlation was obtained in 95 cases out of 126 cases and among these 80% were benign and remaining 20% were malignant. Out of 76 benign lesions on cytology, 75 were confirmed as benign but one case was reported as malignant on histopathological examination. All the cytologically diagnosed malignant cases were confirmed as malignant on subsequent histopathological examinations
Conclusion: The most common benign tumor in the present study was fibroadenoma and the most common malignant tumor was infiltrating duct carcinoma.. Our study showed 0% false positivity and the false negative rate was 5.26%. 27 Our study showed a sensitivity of 94.74% a very high specificity of 100%.
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